When it comes to⁤ estate‍ planning, understanding the key⁣ differences between survivors ‍trust and marital ⁤trust can make a significant ‍impact on the distribution of assets.​ Survivors‍ trust​ and⁤ marital trust⁤ are both commonly used in estate⁣ planning, but they serve⁢ different purposes and have distinct features.

Survivors trust is designed to hold assets for the benefit of the surviving‌ spouse after the death of the ​first spouse. On ​the other hand, marital trust is created to hold assets for the benefit of the⁢ surviving spouse while also preserving the assets for ‍the ultimate beneficiaries, usually children ⁣or other heirs. The main differences between survivors trust and marital trust lie in their purpose, distribution of‍ assets, and tax implications.

Feature Survivors Trust Marital Trust
Purpose Provide ⁤for surviving spouse Provide for surviving spouse and​ preserve assets ⁢for‍ ultimate beneficiaries
Asset Distribution Assets distributed‍ outright to surviving spouse Assets held for surviving spouse, with remainder going to ultimate beneficiaries
Tax Implications May be subject⁢ to ⁣estate taxes May⁢ provide​ tax benefits for ultimate beneficiaries